Guardian Server Response
Original post by underdog on 12/10/2021 wrote: Dear community,
We understand that you are frustrated, and we want you to voice your concerns openly. However, the administration, mods, and guardians have been placed under enormous stress and will need to take a mental health break, recollect themselves and get re-organized in how to handle these matters. Also, please take this time for yourselves and look at this as a mental health break for you as well.
We are encouraging all of the moderators to step away from this for 24 hours. There is no obligation to respond. Any attempts to directly message a moderator, admin, or guardian do not need to be responded for the next 24 hours and we want everyone to take this opportunity to reflect.
With respect,
Your Chatlands Admins, Mods and Guardians
Original post by underdog on 12/10/2021 wrote: We are investigating the recent events on Chatlands, as well as dealing with the events of the last week, and while we are doing this, Chatlands is offline until further notice. This will probably be at least several days. We encourage others to step away, or DM their personal concerns, but can't promise immediate responses, as there will be official announcements made here as the situation develops.
Original post by underdog on 12/12/2021[/quote wrote: Thank you everyone for your patience during all of this and for the much needed feedback.
We have reopened the Wolfhome Forums Artist Market so our artists can continue to take commissions. We know it was important to reopen this as many of you use this to make ends meet.
We also want to assure everyone that the investigation into the Chatlands Guardian server conversation is ongoing. We need some time to reflect on this but we won't ignore the things that were said nor the context that led to those statements.
We will be keeping the server down until further notice until we are able to handle the moderators in question.
Original post by SIf on 12/21/2021 wrote:First I would like to thank everyone for their patience as the community leaders have been discussing the recent incident of venting within the Alphas/Owners Discord server. I would like to inform everyone as per a unanimous vote among the community leaders a "jury of peers" has been selected consisting of two chatsite Owners (Bressa and Kev) as well as two site Alphas (Scruffy and Khione) and headed by myself (Sif) to review and hand down appropriate consequences to the parties involved. I would like to make clear if there are any concerns regarding this decision please contact Sif and NOT any of the jury members. Any attempts to harass, threaten, or otherwise sway or intimidate these users will result in an ban. Any slandering, harassment, etc that occurs outside of Chatlands (i.e on social media) will also be punishable by a ban.
It has been decided to handle each participate individually and to utilize a sliding scale system in which lighter, less severe comments/participation will be responded to with an equivalent consequence while more severe/more prominent participation will result in harsher consequences. Additionally it was agreed upon that those who were participating in the slandering of or perpetuating of rumors that have thus far been unsubstantiated against staff members will also be reviewed by this selected committee and addressed within this same sliding scale system. With this I would like to add those who took it upon themselves to begin issuing threats against users and staff members will be addressed strictly by the standing rules and permanently banned from Chatlands. On behalf of the community leaders I would like to thank you again for your patience and state we look forward to continuing to progress with the suggested changes and bettering the future of Chatlands.
Original post by Sif on 01/01/2022 wrote:Happy 2022 to all! The chosen jury has taken time to review the recent incidents of venting and slander that took place both on chat and within the Guardian discord server to assess appropriate consequences for the involved parties. As of now the decisions have been finalized and are as follows:
Frog (perpetuating unsubstantiated and harmful rumors and slandering administration) - Permanent ban
Bellzbury (perpetuating unsubstantiated rumors and slandering of administration) - 3 month ban
SlyChimChim - Warning and Apology to be issued
Angie - Warning
Kyna - Demotion to Gamma rank and probational period
Monk - Warning and Apology to be issued
Bloodiath - Warning
Crowfly - Warning and probation
Neffie - Warning and apology to be issued
Avani - Warning and apology to be issued
Kennedy - Warning & Probation restriction (has been permanently banned)
Sylvah - No additional action
Loup - No additional action
Appa - No additional action
Kes - No additional action
Kata - No additional action
Bismuth - Removal from Guardian rank and Head Alpha rank
Underdog - Acknowledgment of events as well as full apology and update on the status of the current and future version of Chatlands
With the conclusion of this review we are looking forward to reopening the Chatlands Discord server once the moderators have had a chance to establish appropriate rules and protocols going forward.
On behalf of the community leaders and the jury I’d like to thank everyone for their patience and I wish everyone the very best as we begin the new year.
Original post by Sif on 01/03/2022 wrote:
Thank you all for your patience - after the previous announcement I was made aware of additional information pertaining to the bans that had been placed on frog and Bellzbury for perpetuating harmful and unsubstantiated rumors. When the original incident involving serious allegations against an administrator occurred on December 9th, 2021, it was claimed evidence was to be presented supporting the claim, however at that time nothing had been provided to warrant a public outcry. I take personal responsibility for this oversight and sincerely apologize to frog, Bellzbury, and the community as it was my responsibility to follow up on a previous conversation I had with frog and ensure all facets of the incident were present at the time of deliberation. Due to this failure the jury made its previous decision under the belief the claim of having evidence was false and elected to impose the bans. With the compiled document the jury has reviewed this additional information and thus has assessed the original basis for the ban was unfounded. For this reason the 3 month ban on the user Bellzbury has been overturned and the permanent ban on the user frog has been reduced to 3 months due to the amount of harassment, stalking, and death threats the public accusations have caused.
I would also like to specifically state the allegations against Bl*th were previously reviewed in conjunction with another user in 2020 where it was determined there was not sufficient evidence to support the claim of z**a and that artwork posted off Chatlands was not to be policed by Chatlands staff members. With this recent rehashing of the incident, the documents have been escalated to Underdog to be reinvestigated and the previous Guardian decision to be taken under review.
Underdog will be reviewing the documents that have been compiled over the next few days and another announcement will be posted with his decision.
Underdog's Investigation & Conclusion
underdog [CL wrote: — 01/07/2022
Hello @everyone,
Please be aware that the allegations detailed in this document are in regards to NSFW (not safe for work) (18+) artwork, and while I will not be linking to any of the artworks in question, I will be referencing some of it at least indirectly, due to the nature of these allegations. I will also be using terms that some might find disturbing.
This document is my review of evidence, originally sent to me by a user on December 9th and then updated several times, regarding allegations against a previous administrator. I also include my thoughts based on this evidence.
I've spent the past several days reviewing the document submitted as evidence to the recent jury hearings. A previous version of the document in question was originally sent to me by a user on December 9th, 2021 during a DM on discord, immediately following the public accusations that this user and others had made on Cats Paw Island, which alleged that a previous Chatlands administrator, Bloodiath, was a zoophile. At this point in time, I believe the only evidence collected against Bloodiath was contained in sections 4 and 6 of the document along with an image that now appears in 8.a.
Chatlands is now and always has been committed to the safety and comfort of our users, and we take allegations like these very seriously, especially knowing that cases of zoophilia have run rampant in other online furry communities.
The burden of proof for such allegations is very high and is on the accuser. For accusations as serious as these, we expect there to be sufficient proof gathered before reporting, and that these reports are escalated in appropriate ways. It's been said many times recently that allegations like these can be life ruining.
[7:45 PM]
An Examination of the Evidence
For simplicity I will be explaining my review of the more recent version of this document, as it existed on January 3rd, 2022. A current screenshot of the document at that time is pictured in Figure 1.
There are several sections in this document that don't concern the allegations of zoophilia, so I am not going to discuss those at this time. The sections that reference Bloodiath are Sections 4, 6, and 8.
Windfall 2020 (Sections 4 and 6)
Sections 4 and 6 are largely about the same series of events, so I will cover them both together.
In early 2020, a Windfall admin was reported for zoophilia due to some provocative furry artwork they had posted off-site (6.i.). The admin in question was investigated for this artwork, and the Windfall team found that they were not guilty of zoophilia. Akala posted a defense of the team’s decision on the zoophilia allegations, and Bloodiath commented in support of the decision. At this point, Bloodiath, Akala and others became targets, and were likewise accused by some of either being a zoophile or a zoophile apologist.
For the record, the current Chatlands stance is that artwork of fursonas will not be treated as evidence of zoophilia, unless the subjects represent real animals or creatures of a similar nature. Also, while there are exceptions, it is not Chatlands policy to punish anyone for off-site artwork.
Also in section 4 there is an allegation that Bloodiath linked to NSFW art around minors. There has been no evidence provided to support this claim.
[7:45 PM]
Bloodiath’s Art
I’ll now review Bloodiath’s artwork from section 8. First, as I said before, it is typically not Chatlands policy to punish admins for artwork posted offsite. Also, I'll note the date stamp on these drawings is from 2014. The fact that these drawings are 8 years old significantly increases the already very high burden of proof required to constitute evidence of zoophilia.
All of the NSFW artworks drawn by Bloodiath in this section are of fursonas (Bloodiath's and others') according to the accompanying text. Some characters have human, styled hair and piercings, and some have obvious makeup. The characters are stylized, for example making human facial expressions and blushing. The text explains these are self-insert characters. Hence, they are, for all intents and purposes, stand-ins for human beings, with the intelligence and sentience of a human character.
Their human-like qualities (such as the hair, makeup, piercings, and human-like facial expressions) make me believe that these are sentient characters, capable of consent. I do not believe these images alone meet the criteria for zoophilia.
Bloodiath’s Favorites
Section 8 also contains some wayback machine screenshots of old images in Bloodiath's FurAffinity favorites, which have since been unfavorited. There is one favorite in particular which I believe was cause for concern (two cartoon dogs drawn in a style similar to All Dogs go to Heaven in a NSFW situation). In conversations with Bloodiath about these deleted favorites he has told me that he's uncomfortable with them, which is why I imagine the favorites were removed. An important consideration is that these two images were among thousands of other favorites made long ago.
[7:45 PM]
I have a strong personal belief in a person's ability to self-reflect and to change for the better. Since these images were favorites and were not self-drawn art, along with the tiny number (two) of these concerning favorites in an overwhelmingly large favorites gallery (many thousand), plus the huge timespan (approximately 8 years) between these two favorites and the present day, the deletion of these favorites, the lack of any other items of concern in the meantime, and Bloodiath's own verbal admissions that he finds this type of artwork upsetting, I feel that these do not reflect on the current Bloodiath, and are not a cause for concern.
My Conclusion
With the given evidence, this review finds these accusations of zoophilia against Bloodiath to be false and extremely damaging. For this reason, any further discussion of this matter is now closed. I will consider any future attempts to relitigate this in public to be harassment and disturbing the peace and it will be treated accordingly. I am extremely committed to Chatlands being a safe and ethical space for its users. The overwhelming fact in this case is that the burden of proof is many times greater than the available evidence.
The Scope of this Decision
I want to be clear that this statement you are reading is not in any way a reflection on the deliberations made by the jury regarding Bloodiath's comments during the December 9th admin discord leak. This is instead my review of the document provided to me as evidence of Bloodiath's alleged zoophilia. As many of you know, I was instructed not to participate in any of the jury's proceedings, so my feelings detailed here have no bearing on Bloodiath's status on Chatlands as a result of the jury decision.
[7:45 PM]
How To Report Problems on Chatlands
I want to take this opportunity to make people aware of the different ways that they can report problems on Chatlands sites. The first option, if you are currently on a chat site, is to click the "report" button to find an administrator. Failing that, there is also a link on the site map page to report problems. If the situation is urgent, such as a safety threat or active predator, and no admin is available online, you should contact an administrator via discord or other social media site, but this final step should be used only in emergencies. For more information please consider these Wolfhome pages on how to report problems and I will work on adding similar pages for Chatlands in general soon.
[7:45 PM]
Thank You
I wanted to give a huge thank you to the many, many people who have helped with managing Chatlands over the last few weeks. The stress and the pressure of this situation has been enormous. I know many of you have had to step back and some to resign for your own health. Thank you so much for all that you have done and I hope that this next year finds you in a much better place. Regardless of what happens to Chatlands, you all have done more than anyone could have asked for our community. Thank you, seriously.
Special thanks to Sif, who has dedicated a monumental amount of time, energy, and care to finding an empathetic, thoughtful solution to the recent talks.
And thank you, as well, to the members of the jury who spent considerable time working through Chatlands issues.
And finally, thanks to all of you for your continued patience during this extended outage.
Jury Apologies
Original post by underdog on01/15/2022[/quote wrote: Hello @everyone,
There are still a few things to resolve related to the jury decisions, including an outstanding apology from me, but at the same time, I want to begin taking steps to open up the site. After the meeting on December 8th Mongrel posted a list of action items that we agreed should be the next steps. One thing that's important to me is to say that I have not forgotten about these goals. I'm going to post them here, just to make sure that everyone still has access to them. Here's the list of action items from the Dec 8th meeting:
actionable steps & discussion conclusions
1. discuss future of the wolfhome platform with the wolfhome alphas specifically
2. underdog is open to suggestions on infrastructure and platform changes, and that efforts are being made in order to do so. we will also be arranging a potential future meeting with underdog and a wolfhome alpha to address concerns that alphas know.
3. underdog wants the guardians to have their own autonomy. bismuth was promoted by existing guardians, and her hiatus has since ended
4. comments regarding bloodiath can be followed up later in another session or in a statement.
5. actionable steps worked on to address the guardian system, their own code of conduct, and what steps you will be making to ensure there is better accountability for you to work on after this meeting.
6. possibly have the respective team nominate at least two guardian candidates and then allow the community to anonymously vote on who they best serve the community in that position. actionable plan for underdog, sif, and bismuth to discuss and present.
7. anonymous guardian reporting system. also further discuss impact of duke on the community in more detail at a later date, and reparations that can be done.
8. a mini guide on how to spot manipulation, grooming, coercion, predatory behavior, etc. for the community.
[3:03 PM]
9. if we come to underdog about misconduct, he can review the logs and perform a second investigation, and look into the first investigation. you can submit a guardian level problem ticket/appeal which the guardians can handle. underdog is open to reviewing the ban appeal process.
10. as for infrastructure, the current code does not support the ease of changing roles and ranks, but underdog is currently reworking chatlands horizons to make this easier and more accessible and customizable for the staff. he is also open to making some changes to the current code and is trying to maintain current chatlands while writing chatlands horizons.
11. an improved list of “dos and don’ts” for the code of conduct to promote better transparency for what the admins can and can’t speak with users about.
12. totem’s diversity team
13. underdog wants a mission statement/values page that includes affirming our commitment to diversity as one of our core values, and including "Diversity is a core value of Chatlands. Is there anything you can tell us about your background that relates to this value" as a question in an admin application (suggestion)
Original post by Sylvah on 01/15/2022[/quote wrote: Hey @everyone, I had posted my official statement on the Wolfhome Forums, I will provide a link to it here as well. I hope that this will help clarify a lot of unanswered questions. Thank you for taking the time to read!
Hello @everyone,Original post by underdog on 01/16/2022
I was asked by the jury to acknowledge the recent events on Chatlands as well as make a full apology and provide an update on the status of current Chatlands and the future version of Chatlands.
I would like to sincerely apologize for my contributions to the venting incidents that occurred on Dec 19th which ultimately snowballed into all of Chatlands shutting down. It’s incredibly disheartening to see us tearing apart a community we all enjoy being a part of and knowing my hastily thought out words added additional fuel to the fire. One of the things I find most frustrating is we seemed so close to hammering out some much needed changes and working toward a middle ground when everything went off the rails.
I and many others were utterly exhausted. Several of us had been working for a few days to close in on some issues that urgently needed to be addressed in the meeting on Dec 8th. After answering questions, taking suggestions, and gathering the communities valuable feedback, we ended up with a list of actionable items and we earnestly pledged we would follow through prior to the next community meeting.
After the meeting’s conclusion I still had to tackle hours of administrative issues which left me heading off to bed around 3AM. Once everything was said and done I took a much needed day to rest and spend time with family. Later that night I was informed one of the principle users of the previous day’s meeting was slandering another user in a public room on Cats Paw Island with allegations of zoophilia and grooming as well as threatening a "riot".
[9:37 PM]
When I was told about this I remember feeling that it was a crushing defeat to all the progress I felt had been made in paving the way for much needed positive change. I got angry and I said things that were not well considered and were an in-the-moment reaction. It was not the professional thing to do there. I should have been thinking about the best interests of the site owners and the Chatlands community as a whole. I should have tried to defuse the situation and find out what was going on first before speaking rashly and perpetuating the issue.
I am sorry that I didn't act more professionally and that I didn't consider the consequences of my words. I was tired, but I should have recognized that and I could have handled this much better.
I was also asked to provide an update on the future of Chatlands 2020 which has been rebranded as Chatlands Horizons. Before the recent troubles I had been planning on moving the site into an open beta but I still needed to do more coding before that could happen. In mid November I realized I had to update the existing Chatlands servers and that process took longer than anticipated. The move to the new servers is now complete. Unfortunately the work on Chatlands Horizons has been stalled for more than two months as we have been trying to resolve several serious issues and I believe that it may still be many days or weeks before regular work can be done. Once we reach that point I will send out another update and we can start talking about the beta test again. Only when we have a stable working version of Horizons will we start allowing sites to migrate from current Chatlands to Horizons. In the meanwhile, we will also work to address the action items that were posted after the December 8th meeting. Our administration team is committed to making this a safe and fun place in the days ahead.
Original post by Avani on 01/21/2022[/quote wrote: Hey everyone, I have posted my official apology on the Wolfhome Forums. Again I sincerely apologize for my actions and will be more conscious about the words I choose to avoid any more misunderstandings.
Chatlands Begins to Re-open
Original post by underdog on 01/18/2022[/quote wrote: Chatlands is back online!
Thank you for your continuous patience, understanding and support during this difficult time. We're very sorry that this happened but we felt it was necessary to get some perspective and decide on how to proceed. We are still not completely back to full operation but we are getting closer. The Wolfhome chat site is still offline but will be back soon. For the time being, the Chatlands Forum is still unavailable and the Wolfhome Forum is still restricted to Official Announcements and the sections related to buying or selling artwork. We will bring the Wolfhome Discord and the CL 2020 discord back into full operation soon. But for today we have reopened Chatlands and brought several sites back online.
Chatlands is here to provide a safe place for people to chat and hang out with their friends and we work hard to make that possible. We take reports about possible predators very seriously and we investigate these accusations quickly. Because of this we will not tolerate people engaging in public harassment or attempts to publicly name and shame our users or administrators. I want to remind everyone that, by using this site, they agree to follow the Chatlands Terms of Use. While this page has been updated over the years, the section on "misuse" has been around in this form for over a decade.
In practice we have always tried to let each site manage these problems on their own. The Guardians were created many years ago in order to address site wide threats of hacking, predators and similar serious threats to the community as a whole. With these sites reopening, it is important to understand that the Chatlands administration will be strict with cases of harassment directed at other Chatlands users or at Chatlands sites and their administration. If you have any concerns or questions about this change, please ask an administrator or ask me directly. I am available by email at
Original post by underdog on 01/22/2022[/quote wrote: Hello everyone! I have a few announcements to make! I have appointed Avani as lead alpha for Wolfhome. Thank you, Avani, for taking on this responsibility. I appreciate it! Also, I have modified the Chatlands code so that friends lists and away messages are available to free subscriptions. And finally, Sif has created three feedback forms for anonymous reporting, guardian nominations and Chatlands feedback. ... Q/viewform ... A/viewform
Updates from Underdog Post Re-Open
Original post by underdog on 02/25/2022[/quote wrote: Hello @everyone,
I have not forgotten about the Dec 8th meeting goals and I feel I owe you all an update.
Here is the list of action items from that meeting (posted by mongrel on Dec 9th):
Actionable steps & discussion conclusions
1. discuss future of the wolfhome platform with the wolfhome alphas specifically
The WH administration, led by Avani, has been focusing on the process of administrating the site, which means updating the chat and forum rules, terms of use, faq, and several other documents. Transparency, activity, cosmetics and more is also being worked on. There is more information to be found on the Wolfhome Forum ( announcements section.
In the aftermath of the Dec 10th admin channel leaks, due to the subsequent jury decisions and results of angry posts on social media, we have had several admins resign for various reasons. Thankfully, several more stayed on. Some have stayed long enough to help with the recovery. Some have also come back! We hope that continues.
I'll be saying more about this later. I'm also open to having a meeting to discuss this further, if desired.
[6:44 PM]
2. underdog is open to suggestions on infrastructure and platform changes, and that efforts are being made in order to do so. we will also be arranging a potential future meeting with underdog and a wolfhoma alpha to address concerns that alphas know.
We're making changes to the way admin pages work and setting up a "Chatlands Council". This is currently ongoing and we are discussing this with the site owners and alphas on a chatlands owner specific discord in the #chatlands-amendments channel. Important: If you are a site owner or alpha and you need an invite, please contact me or Sif. The biggest change is that we are setting up a new role and specific details here are still evolving, but the idea is that this council will be made up of and run by veteran site owners. I will post more about the admin page changes I am making, and about the Chatlands Council later, once we have more of the details worked out.
3. underdog wants the guardians to have their own autonomy. bismuth was promoted by existing guardians, and her hiatus has since ended
We're currently down to one Guardian, Sif, who has been a steady source of reliable insight and amazing hard work. To be clear, Chatlands survival was possible because at some critical times she held it together with clear thinking and communication. Thank you, Sif.
I'll be adding two more guardians soon. There will be another announcement on this later.
[6:44 PM]
4. comments regarding bloodiath can be followed up later in another session or in a statement.
This has been done. In short, the attacks on Bloodiath were completely without merit. These attacks were grotesque and literally shameful. The evidence was presented only after public accusations had already been made and updated several days later. The damage had already been done. The evidence, such as it was, came from long deleted wayback archives that, even if they were current, wouldn't have been sufficient. If anyone needs more information regarding my decision, it is available online. ( ... 9436451841)
5. actionable steps worked on to address the guardian system, their own code of conduct, and what steps you will be making to ensure there is better accountability for you to work on after this meeting.
Item 5 is very similar to item 2 above, as it is about changes to how we do things and about documenting the rules, code of conduct, and other aspects of Chatlands Guardians. Specifically, the guardians will continue to exist. Their roles and responsibilities have been previously documented and that process is ongoing. The list of restricted users and site wide bans has been made available to other site owners. As described above, the Chatlands Council will be established and we are adding privacy changes to admin pages to better protect IP and email addresses for Chatlands™ users. If you are a site owner or site alpha, you can participate in the ongoing conversation about this. I will post more later, once we have it figured out.
[6:45 PM]
6. possibly have the respective team nominate at least two guardian candidates and then allow the community to anonymously vote on who they best serve the community in that position. actionable plan for underdog, sif, and bismuth to discuss and present.
First of all please remember that wunderwood LLC is a business. From a business perspective, this company has to have a core group of dedicated people that are responsible for Chatlands™ and that these people can't be voted into this position of responsibility. What we will do is make it so that regular users can nominate the very best people to be guardians. To that end, Sif has created a "Guardian Nomination Form" ( If you have someone in mind that would make a really excellent guardian, then please nominate them for consideration! The candidate needs to have been an active administrator for at least one year. We want guardians that are the best ones for the job. We want people that are interested in growing Chatlands™ and in helping everyone on here to have a great time. People on here want to hang out, chat with their friends, share artwork or do other things that people do in social gatherings. For us, it's the shared experience that matters.
[6:45 PM]
7. anonymous guardian reporting system. also further discuss impact of duke on the community in more detail at a later date, and reparations that can be done.
Sif created the "Anonymous Reporting" google form ( which allows people to anonymously report on their experiences with Chatlands. Using this form you can report any instances of Guardian, Admin, or User misconduct on Chatlands™ or serious off-site incidents as well. Again, all reportees are anonymous, unless otherwise specified by the reporting user when they are submitting the form. She has also created the "Chatlands™ Feedback Survey" ( google form. This allows users to leave anonymous feedback by answering a series of questions and has space for additional comments.
8. a mini guide on how to spot manipulation, grooming, coercion, predatory behavior, etc. for the community.
This one came from suggestions made during the meeting. I agree that this would be a good resource to have available and I would love hearing from anyone that wants to submit suggestions for this guide. When more information becomes available, I will post an update about this as well.
9. if we come to underdog about misconduct, he can review the logs and perform a second investigation, and look into the first investigation. you can submit a guardian level problem ticket/appeal which the guardians can handle. underdog is open to reviewing the ban appeal process.
This is more of a statement of how things are supposed to work than an actionable item or deliverable. The thing I want to stress here is that if you don't follow this process, it can create chaos and recently it has. Those ugly accusations that were made against Bloodiath happened right after this meeting. They had not been presented to me and I'd had no chance to evaluate their merits. Instead they were said in public, without any chance for a fair investigation. The fact that we had just agreed this procedure may have led to some of the angry responses made in a private discord and subsequently leaked. If the process had been followed, the investigation would have shown that there was no merit to the grotesque accusations and perhaps this could have been avoided but perhaps not.
[6:45 PM]
10. as for infrastructure, the current code does not support the ease of changing roles and ranks, but underdog is currently reworking chatlands horizons to make this easier and more accessible and customizable for the staff. he is also open to making some changes to the current code and is trying to maintain current chatlands while writing chatlands horizons.
This is still true and Chatlands™ Horizons is still a work in progress. I will post much more about that progress once we are able to get the current Chatlands™ back into full operation.
11. an improved list of “dos and don’ts” for the code of conduct to promote better transparency for what the admins can and can’t speak with users about.
Item 11 is being covered as a part of item 5. Please read that one for more information.
[6:46 PM]
12. totem’s diversity team
We are working on adding a team to Wolfhome that would represent concerns from the community, including issues like ways to address diversity and about Wolfhome's commitment to diversity as well as other concerns.
13. underdog wants a mission statement/values page that includes affirming our commitment to diversity as one of our core values, and including "Diversity is a core value of Chatlands™. Is there anything you can tell us about your background that relates to this value" as a question in an admin application (suggestion)
This is ongoing but we are creating a mission statement and values page. We also are going to make updates to applications that will provide an opportunity to recruit a more diverse group of volunteers.
This is where the action items ends. We're making progress and we have more work to do. As always, thank you for being a part of Chatlands.