Sif and Kes

The Guardians typically consist of three members that have been hand-chosen by Underdog to be specifically tasked with the responsibility of handling sensitive information, extreme situations, and keeping records of all Global incidents.

The Guardians are responsible for the following:

The Guardians are responsible for maintaining the Chatlands Forum and Admin Discord servers such as creating necessary forum topics, categories, and discord channels. The Guardians are responsible for keeping these organized.

Announcements that pertain to Chatlands as a whole are discussed amongst the Chatlands Council. Once they are ready to share with the community, a Guardian will create a public Global Announcement.

Guardians are responsible for disclosing important Global information to the Chatlands Council.
Sensitive and extreme details will be made vague, but the intrinsic nature of the information will be made clear and sufficient so that the Site Owners may decide whether or not to share this information with their teams or communities.

Guardians are responsible for properly logging reports and evidence as well as keeping the Restricted Users lists up to date.

Guardians are responsible for handling the transfer of Chatsite Ownership and updating the appropriate records.

PTs are typically reports of Ban Appeals, Restriction Appeals, or administrative misconduct. Guardians are responsible for bringing the appropriate tickets to the Council to discuss as well as replying to the tickets.

Guardians are responsible for investigating reports of Site Owner misconduct as well as Admin misconduct that poses a global threat or that Site Owners require assistance with.
Evidence will be gathered and discussed with the CL Council to determine the appropriate actions. The Guardians are responsible for carrying out these actions.

Guardians are responsible for routine log checks to keep an eye out for repeat solicitation offenders.

Guardians are now the only administrators with access to sensitive information such as IP and email addresses. Guardians are tasked with handling extreme or sensitive situations such as the solicitation of minors, hacking threats, doxing threats, and wellness checks concerning self-harm. Guardians are also responsible for possible communications with a user’s ISP and filing police reports when necessary.

Guardians are required to protect the identity of those reportees that wish to remain anonymous. While cases and information are to be brought to the Council, Guardians are required to protect the specific details of sensitive or extreme situations. In these cases, details will be made vague and non-specific but transparent enough to keep the Council well-informed and up to date on the situation.

If you need to report something to the CL Guardians, you may do so via DM or the CL Guardians Problem Ticketing System:
http://chatlandsguardians.chatlands.com ... ticket.php
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the current Guardians.